Tuesday 5 June 2012

Last Sunday

I like to focus on one thing at a time when I'm sketching like learning anything else. 
I remember when my brothers and I were younger, our swimming instructor would teach us to improve on this at a time when swimming. I think the same can be said about sketching, whether you want to work on line, shape, form, hands, hands, eyes or whatever - I think we learn much faster if we focus on one thing at a time. This week for me, it was about cross-hatching.

Someone commented that my faces capture the "character" of a face very quickly. I have to give credit to Jason Seiler for that one in finding shape and "weight" in someone's face. Is the person's face heavier on the bottom or the top?

On the upper right hand side, we can see that the "weight" is moreso on the bottom on this particular person's face, and that really captures someone's character a lot faster. 

There were a few new people as well as regular sketchers last Sunday.
Drawing and sharing, that's what it's all about.

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